How to Clean Closet? Easy and Effective Strategies

How to Clean Closet
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A clean and organized closet can make a difference in your daily routine. Imagine opening your closet and finding exactly what you’re looking for without digging through piles of clothes or searching through cluttered shelves. If you’ve been wondering how to clean closet spaces effectively, you’re in the right place.

Keeping your closet tidy not only saves you time and stress but also helps in maintaining your clothes and accessories in better condition. A well-organized closet can also give you a fresh perspective on your wardrobe, making it easier to put together outfits and even discover pieces you forgot you had.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to clean closet spaces efficiently, from preparation to maintaining your newly organized wardrobe. Whether your closet is a small space or a walk-in, these tips will help you transform it into a functional and orderly area. So, let’s get started on the journey to a cleaner, more organized closet.


Before diving into the actual cleaning, a little preparation can go a long way. Proper planning will make the process smoother and more efficient. Here’s how to set yourself up for success on your journey of learning how to clean closet spaces.

1. Gather Supplies

First things first, be sure you have everything you’ll need. Being organized will help you avoid wasting time and avoid unneeded disruptions. The following items should be included.

  • Cleaning cloths or microfiber towels
  • A vacuum cleaner or broom
  • Mild cleaning solution or wipes
  • Storage bins, baskets, and dividers
  • New hangers (preferably matching for a uniform look)
  • A full-length mirror

These tools will be essential as you learn how to clean closet spaces effectively and efficiently.

2. Set Aside Time

Cleaning out a closet can be a bit more time-consuming than you might initially think, especially if it’s been a while since you last organized it. Depending on the size and state of your closet, set aside a good chunk of time. It could be a few hours or an entire afternoon. Scheduling this time in advance ensures you won’t be rushed and can focus entirely on the task at hand.

3. Create a Plan

Having a plan in place will keep you on track and make the process less overwhelming. Break down the task into manageable steps: emptying the closet, cleaning, sorting items, and reorganizing. Knowing what comes next can keep you motivated and make the whole process of knowing how to clean closet spaces feel more achievable.

Looking to tackle more household cleaning tasks? We’ve got you covered. If you’re interested in keeping other areas of your home spotless, check out our guide on how to clean a leather couch naturally. It offers effective methods for maintaining the beauty of your leather furniture without harsh chemicals. For those dealing with stubborn stains on your doormat, our article on how to clean a doormat provides practical tips for restoring it to its original condition.

By taking these preparatory steps, you’ll be ready to handle the main task with confidence and clarity. Now, let’s move on to the actual cleaning process.

Empty the Closet

Now that you’re prepared, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and dive into the first major step of this guide on how to clean closet spaces: emptying everything. This step is crucial because it allows you to see the entire contents of your closet and gives you a clean slate to work with.

1. Remove All Items

Start by taking every single item out of your closet. This includes clothes, shoes, accessories, and any other items you’ve stashed away over time. As you pull items out, lay them out on your bed or a clean surface where you can easily sort through them later. By completely emptying the closet, you can better assess what you have and what you need to do next.

How to Clean Closet
Removing All Items: The First Step in a Fresh Closet Start

2. Sort Items

With everything out in the open, it’s time to sort through your belongings. Make four piles: keep, donate, sell, and discard. Here’s how to decide where each item goes.

  • Keep: These are the items you love, wear often, and still fit well.
  • Donate: Gently used items that no longer fit or you don’t wear but are still in good condition.
  • Sell: These are High-quality items or brand-name pieces that you don’t wear anymore but could sell for some extra cash.
  • Discard: The Items that are worn out, damaged, or stained beyond repair.

Be honest with yourself during this process. If you haven’t worn something in over a year or it doesn’t fit your current style, it’s probably time to let it go. Learning how to clean closet effectively means making tough decisions and parting with items that no longer serve you.

3. Categorize Your Keep Pile

Once you’ve sorted everything, take a closer look at your keep pile. Group similar items together: pants with pants, shirts with shirts, and so on. This will make it easier to organize your closet later and ensure you know exactly what you have. As you categorize, consider the frequency of use and seasonality, which will help in planning the best way to organize your closet.

By emptying and sorting your closet’s contents, you’ve completed a significant part of this guide on how to clean closet. With a clear view of what you own and a clean, empty closet, you’re ready to move on to the next step: cleaning the actual space.

How to Clean Closet? A Step-by-Step Guide

With everything out of your closet and sorted, it’s time to focus on cleaning the space itself. This step is essential for creating a fresh, organized environment. Here’s a simple guide on how to clean closet effectively and ensure your closet looks as good as new.

1. Dust and Wipe Down Surfaces

Start by dusting off all the surfaces inside your closet. Use a microfiber cloth or a duster to remove dust from shelves, rods, and corners. Pay special attention to any areas that might have accumulated dust over time. Once you’ve dusted, use a mild cleaning solution or disinfecting wipes to clean the shelves and any other surfaces. This ensures that you’re not just organizing a clean space but also maintaining hygiene. Regularly dusting and wiping down surfaces is a key part of this guide on how to clean closet spaces effectively.

2. Vacuum or Sweep the Floor

Next, turn your attention to the floor of your closet. Depending on the type of flooring, you may need to vacuum or sweep. If your closet has a carpet, vacuum thoroughly to pick up dust and debris. For hardwood or tile floors, sweep first to remove loose dirt, then mop if necessary to ensure a thorough clean. A clean floor contributes to a fresh and tidy closet and complements your efforts in this process of how to clean closet spaces.

3. Clean the Walls and Baseboards

While you’re at it, consider giving the walls and baseboards a quick clean. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the walls and remove any smudges or marks. For baseboards, a small brush or a damp cloth will help eliminate dust and grime. This extra step ensures that every part of your closet looks spotless, aligning with your goal of cleaning closet spaces efficiently.

4. Check Lighting

Finally, don’t forget about the lighting in your closet. Dust off any light fixtures or bulbs to ensure you have clear visibility in your newly cleaned space. If your light bulbs are dim or burnt out, replace them. Proper lighting can make a huge difference in how you perceive and use your closet, so it’s an important aspect of this guide on how to clean closet effectively.

By following these steps, you’ll have a new closet ready for the next stage of organizing. A clean closet not only looks great but also makes it easier to see what you have and put things back in their proper place. Now that you’ve handled the cleaning, it’s time to move on to organizing everything back into your closet.

Additionally, if you have a jet tub that needs a deep clean, learn how to refresh it with our detailed guide on how to clean a jet tub. Pet owners may find our tips on how to clean cat pee from carpet particularly useful, as they address one of the more challenging stains to remove.

Organize Your Closet

Now that your closet is clean, it’s time to focus on the fun part which is organizing. This is where you get to see your hard work pay off and create a space that’s both functional and visually pleasing. Here’s how to approach organizing your closet as part of your journey on how to clean closet spaces.

1. Evaluate Your Space

Start by assessing the layout and size of your closet. Consider what you have in your keep pile and think about how you use your closet space. Are there any features or configurations that would make your closet more functional? For example, if you have a lot of shoes, you might need more shoe racks. Evaluating your space will help you make the most of it and effectively organize your closet as you learn how to clean closet areas.

2. Use Storage Solutions

Invest in some smart storage solutions to maximize your closet’s potential. Here are a few ideas.

  • Bins and Baskets: Great for keeping smaller items like accessories or seasonal clothing. Label them for easy identification.
  • Hangers: Uniform hangers can make your closet look neat and organized. Consider using different types of hangers for different types of clothing (e.g., padded hangers for delicate items).
  • Shelving: Adjustable shelves can be useful for accommodating various types of clothing and accessories.

By incorporating these storage solutions, you’re well on your way to mastering how to clean closet spaces.

3. Sort by Category

Once you have your storage solutions in place, begin sorting your clothes and items by category. Put comparable things together, like dresses, shirts, jeans, and accessories. Within each category, you can further sort by color or frequency of use. For example, place your everyday wear at eye level and seasonal items on higher shelves or in bins. This organization method not only makes it easier to find what you need but also helps maintain a tidy closet.

How to Clean Closet
Sorting by Category: Organizing Clothes for Easy Access

4. Optimize for Accessibility

Think about how you access your items and arrange them in a way that makes your life easier. Frequently worn items should be in the most accessible spots, while things you use less often can be stored higher up or in less accessible areas. This approach ensures that your closet remains functional and organized, aligning perfectly with your goal of learning how to clean closet spaces.

5. Maintain Regularly

Finally, establish a routine for maintaining your closet’s organization. Regularly revisit your closet to declutter and reorganize as needed. Consider doing a quick check every few months to ensure everything stays in order and that you’re not accumulating items you don’t need. Keeping up with this maintenance is a crucial part of cleaning closet spaces and ensures that your hard work pays off in the long run.

By following these steps, you’ll transform your closet into a well-organized and efficient space. Enjoy the satisfaction of a tidy wardrobe and the ease of finding everything you need.

Maintain Your Clean Closet

Congratulations on cleaning and organizing your closet. Now that you have a beautifully organized space, it’s important to keep it that way. Maintaining your clean closet will ensure that your hard work lasts and that your closet continues to be a functional and pleasant space. Here’s how to stay on top of your closet’s upkeep as part of your journey on how to clean closet.

1. Regular Decluttering

One of the keys to maintaining a clean closet is regular decluttering. Make it a habit to go through your closet periodically every few months or seasonally. During these check-ins, evaluate your clothing and accessories. If you come across items you haven’t worn in a while or don’t need anymore, sort them into your donate or discard piles. This regular decluttering prevents your closet from becoming overcrowded again and keeps it in line with your goals of how to clean closet.

2. Seasonal Organization

Every season brings its own set of clothing and accessories. To keep your closet organized, adjust your wardrobe according to the season. Store out-of-season items in bins or on higher shelves, and bring current-season items to the forefront. This seasonal rotation helps keep your closet neat and ensures that you’re only dealing with clothing appropriate for the current weather, making it easier to find what you need.

3. Implement a One-In, One-Out Rule

To prevent clutter from accumulating, adopt a one-in, one-out rule. For every new item you bring into your closet, make sure to remove an old one. This simple rule helps manage the volume of clothing and accessories in your closet and reinforces your commitment to maintaining order as you continue to explore how to clean closet practices.

4. Keep It Tidy Daily

Develop a routine of keeping your closet tidy daily. Make a habit of returning items to their designated places after use, and avoid letting clothes pile up. This small daily effort ensures that your closet remains organized and prevents the need for frequent major overhauls.

5. Use Storage Solutions Wisely

Make sure your storage options still satisfy your requirements. As your wardrobe changes, you might find that different types of storage or organizational tools become necessary. Invest in new storage solutions if needed and adjust your current ones to fit your evolving needs. Staying proactive with your storage solutions helps maintain the effectiveness of your closet organization, aligning with the principles of how to clean closet spaces.

By following these maintenance tips, you’ll keep your closet in top shape and enjoy a well-organized space for years to come. Consistency is key to maintaining the clean, orderly closet you’ve worked hard to achieve.

Additional Tips (Optional)

As you refine your closet organization, consider these additional tips to enhance your efforts and perfect your routine for how to clean closet. These extra touches can make a significant difference and help you maintain a well-organized space with ease.

1. Use Clear Storage Bins

When choosing storage solutions, opt for clear bins whenever possible. Clear bins allow you to see the contents at a glance without having to open each container. This visibility helps you quickly find what you need and keeps your closet cleaning system more efficient and user-friendly.

2. Invest in Labeling

Labeling your bins, shelves, and drawers can make the organization even easier. Use labels to identify the contents of each storage container or the purpose of each section of your closet. This added layer of organization ensures that everything has a designated place and supports your overall strategy on how to clean closet.

3. Create a Clothing Rotation System

If your closet space is limited, consider creating a clothing rotation system. Place items you wear less frequently in less accessible areas and keep your most-used clothing at eye level. This system helps maintain an organized and efficient space, aligning perfectly with your closet cleaning goals.

4. Add a Closet Organizer

Closet organizers, such as hanging shelves or over-the-door racks, can provide additional storage and organization options. These tools maximize vertical space and keep smaller items easily accessible. Adding a closet organizer can be a great way to enhance your closet’s functionality and support your ongoing efforts.

5. Use Drawer Dividers

For closets with drawers, use dividers to keep smaller items neatly organized. Drawer dividers help separate accessories, underwear, or shoes into distinct sections, preventing them from becoming a jumbled mess. This simple addition can make a big difference in maintaining order as part of your closet cleaning routine.

Closet Cleaning Methods
Using Drawer Dividers: Keeping Small Items Neatly Organized

6. Implement a Weekly Quick-Tidy

In addition to your regular decluttering and maintenance, consider implementing a quick-tidy routine once a week. Spend a few minutes each week tidying up your closet to ensure that everything remains in its designated place and address any minor messes before they become larger issues. This quick maintenance step helps keep your closet organized and supports your overall hard work after implementing this guide on how to clean closet.

By incorporating these additional tips into your routine, you’ll further enhance your closet organization and ensure that it remains a functional and pleasant space. These extra touches can make managing your closet easier and more efficient, helping you stay on top of your cleaning goals.


Congratulations on reaching the end of your journey on how to clean closet. By following the steps outlined in this guide on how to clean closet spaces, you’ve transformed your cluttered wardrobe into a well-organized haven.

From preparing and emptying your closet to cleaning and organizing, each step plays a crucial role in achieving a clean and functional space. Remember, the key to maintaining this new order is regular upkeep. Implementing daily habits and periodic check-ins will help you stay on top of your closet organization and ensure that it remains as tidy as the day you finished your project on how to clean closet.

With your newly organized closet, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a more efficient and pleasant space. Finding what you need will be a breeze, and you’ll have a clearer view of your wardrobe. Embrace these practices as part of your routine, and your clean closet will continue to serve you well for years to come.

Also, don’t miss our advice on how to clean hair brushes with vinegar and baking soda, a simple yet effective method to keep your brushes in top shape. Finally, for those with down pillows, our guide on how to clean down pillows will help you ensure they remain fresh and fluffy. Explore these resources to maintain a clean and comfortable home with ease.

Choosing the right closet organization method can make a big difference. Use the table below to compare different options, their pros and cons, and find the best fit for your space and needs.

MethodProsConsBest For
Hanging RodsEasy access to clothes; maximizes vertical space.May not work for small closets; can become cluttered.Small to medium closets; frequently worn items.
Shelving UnitsProvides additional storage; good for folded clothes.Can be bulky; might require more space.Larger closets; items like sweaters and shoes.
Over-the-Door OrganizersUtilizes unused door space; versatile for various items.Limited capacity; may not fit all door sizes.Smaller closets; accessories and shoes.
Storage Bins and BasketsKeeps items organized; can be labeled.Can make it harder to see contents without opening.Seasonal items; accessories; off-season clothes.
Drawer DividersHelps keep small items organized and accessible.Requires drawer space; may not fit all types of items.Drawers in larger closets; accessories and small clothing.
Clear Plastic BinsAllows easy visibility of contents; stackable.Can look less aesthetically pleasing; dust can accumulate.Seasonal clothing; items you want to see at a glance.
Closet Organizers (e.g., hanging shelves)Maximizes vertical space; versatile for various items.May require installation; can be pricey.Closets needing extra organization; small to medium spaces.
Comparison of Closet Organization Methods: Pros, Cons, and Best Uses

Thank you for following along with our guide on how to clean closet spaces. We hope these tips help you maintain an organized and stress-free wardrobe.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for How to Clean Closet?

What is the first step in cleaning my closet?

The first step in cleaning your closet is preparation. Gather all necessary supplies, set aside sufficient time, and create a plan for the process. This will help you tackle the task efficiently and effectively.

How often should I clean and organize my closet?

It’s a good idea to do a thorough cleaning and organizing of your closet at least once or twice a year. Additionally, implement regular decluttering sessions every few months to keep your closet in order.

How do I decide what to keep and what to discard?

When deciding what to keep or discard, evaluate each item based on its condition, usefulness, and how often you wear it. Items you haven’t worn in over a year or that no longer fit should be considered for donation or discard.

What are some effective storage solutions for a small closet?

For a small closet, consider using space-saving solutions such as clear storage bins, hanging shelves, and over-the-door organizers. Utilize vertical space with adjustable shelves and add hooks or racks for accessories to maximize your closet’s potential.

How can I maintain my closet’s organization after cleaning it?

To maintain your closet’s organization, implement daily habits like returning items to their designated places and using a one-in, one-out rule for new items. Perform regular check-ins and declutter periodically to keep everything in order.

What should I do with items I no longer want but are still in good condition?

Items that are in good condition but no longer needed can be donated to charities, sold through consignment shops or online marketplaces, or given to friends and family. This helps keep your closet organized and benefits others.

How can I keep my closet smelling fresh?

To keep your closet smelling fresh, regularly clean and vacuum the space, use scented sachets or odor-absorbing products, and ensure proper ventilation. Avoid storing damp or dirty items in your closet to prevent unpleasant odors.

Is it better to sort clothes by category or by color?

Sorting clothes by category (e.g., shirts, pants, dresses) makes it easier to find specific types of clothing and organize your wardrobe. Within each category, you can then sort by color for a visually pleasing arrangement.

How do I handle sentimental items that I don’t use but can’t part with?

For sentimental items, consider storing them in a separate, organized space, such as a memory box or dedicated shelf. This way, they don’t clutter your main closet but are still accessible and preserved.

What are some quick tips for maintaining a clean closet?

Some quick tips include regularly tidying up, using labels for easy identification, rotating seasonal clothing, and sticking to the one-in, one-out rule. These habits will help you keep your closet organized and prevent clutter from accumulating.

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